(2022 - 2024) MNVP Lead - Jen Lindfield-Cross The MNVP Lead is a renumerated role undertaken in two and a half days a month. The purpose of the chair is to co-ordinate local members of the MNVP to interact in the spirit of co-production with the West Suffolk hospital maternity and neonatal departments to create real change and improvement for service users across the board.
Vice chair - Vacant The role of the vice chair is to support the chair of the MNVP and its members to achieve the planned goals for the year ahead. The role requires skills in organisation, facilitation and communication. Costs for child care, travel and some expenses are included for the person undertaking the role. For more information or to submit an expression of interest, please email [email protected]
Administrative support - Kim Dines Administrative support has been given for free by the West Suffolk Hospital to support the crucial work of the MVP.
Community Champions
If you are someone involved or run local baby groups, GP practices, neonatal service, carer or parents forums please get in contact with us. Your role in the West Suffolk MVP could be:
Promoting the MNVP at baby groups, in local children’s centres and GP surgeries
Directing new parents to our online surveys
Sharing social media posts
Distributing leaflets/posters
MNVP meeting attendance welcomed but not essential
Being a part of the closed WhatsApp group for consultation on projects/ideas
Possibly helping at local events, fayres or engagement sessions.
This is for people who have birthed at the West Suffolk Hospital in the last 2 years and wish to offer supportive ongoing feedback back based on their experience of service. (Please note, this is not a complaints route, for service complaints please visit West Suffolk Hospital Complaints ). This volunteer option is also for people who wish to have regular involvement at MNVP meetings – it may be for those who run antenatal or postnatal groups, or who are involved in voluntary organisations and charities where their users may have experienced local maternity care and services. It can be a very rewarding opportunity as you will be a voice for these women and their families.
Understand the remit of the committee and their role - familiarise yourself with the committee’s terms of reference, along with the Nolan Principles and the Maternity Transformation Plan (MTP)
Keep up to date with all national and local maternity issues – service user reps are often better informed than some of the health professionals. Access to the internet and email helps considerably.
Meeting attendance - come prepared by reading the agenda and if you have time, doing your own research on what’s happening locally and nationally.
Inspire others! Contribute to the agendas and work plans, possibly leading or working with others in an area of interest
Understand you are a valuable and equal member of the team -be confident and be assertive! But also respect others and their opinions and experiences
Treasurer - Sophie Knott The Treasurer acts as a guide and adviser to the West Suffolk MNVP Chair on the financial aspects of their work. In order to carry out this role the Treasurer has the following responsibilities: • Prepare and monitor the MNVP budget for the year. • Keep the accounts up to date, either using the manual accounts book or the computerised spreadsheet. • Collect the annual grants and other monies and pay these into the bank (this should be done promptly), Issue receipts for all money received. • Make sure that obligatory payments are made e.g. Websites, subscriptions, member expenses, Pay all bills. • Maintain a day book of receipts and payments. • Report to members on the end year accounts at the Annual General Meeting.